April- A Closer Look (Pt 2)

CF Stories

By: Heather Eaker
In my study and reflection of our memory verse for this month, the Lord revealed to me some important takeaways from this one verse. The obvious thing in this verse is that we must go through Jesus to get to God. But, how can we reach others to share this amazing message of Jesus Christ and the salvation He has for everyone who will just believe in Him? The Lord put this on my heart to share with you all this month.

    Sometimes, in our flesh, we don't want to communicate the truth because there is something we want to gloss over. As followers of Christ, we need to ask ourselves if we are communicating truth and living it out with integrity of what we know to be true. If we would honestly live out the truth everyday, non-believers would see the fruit from it and this would open the door for us to share the Gospel of Jesus and help them to also come to eternal life in Him!
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