Facility Use Agreement

*Please note that it is the responsibility of the group/person using the facility to set up, clean up and return the facility to normal after use.

  1. Collect all garbage into bags and dispose of them yourself.
  2. Wipe off tables. If food/drinks are involved, please use anti-bacterial wipes or soap and water.
  3. Return all tables, chairs or other items to their normal set up.
  4. Vacuum and sweep as needed.
  5. Remove any items related to your event.
  6. Please let the Administrative Team Leader know of any spills on carpet that may stain, i.e. Kool-Aid and other colored drinks or food.
  7. If the building(s) are not in use by others when you finish, please check that all doors are closed/locked, lights are off, and thermostat has been reset to previous temperature.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Following these guidelines allow us to use God's gift to the benefit of all of us! Please be considerate of others and use the facilities appropriately.
  1. I understand that the church does not allow its facilities to be used in a way that contradicts its faith.
  2. To the best of my knowledge the purpose for which I am requesting use of church facilities will not contradict the church’s faith, and I agree to immediately disclose and potential conflict I am aware of or become aware of to the Administrative Team Leader.
  3. I have been given/seen a copy of the Responsibilities After Building Use.
  4. I understand that I will be responsible for any damages to the church facilities that result from my use.

By typing your name below, you agree to the conditions & values that have been disclosed.